CHESTIndustry SupportCHEST Immersion
a simulation manikin

CHEST Immersion

Clinical and industry education

Specifically designed for industry sales, marketing, and medical professionals, CHEST Immersion offers intensive, hands-on learning experiences for state-of-the-art training in health care.


Critical knowledge to stay a step ahead

Led by top medical experts using the latest educational technology, CHEST Immersion programs deliver key insights about diagnosis, treatment, and the patient journey.

Our unbranded, disease-state-specific courses will provide your team members with the latest clinical knowledge and diagnostic perspectives, building confidence for clinical conversations with health care teams.

Get in touch for a customized proposal.


Customized learning experiences for your team

  • Opportunity for hands-on simulated diagnostic activities
  • Key insights about diagnosis, treatment, and the patient journey
  • Interaction with the latest medical technology
  • Direct engagement with expert physicians
  • Problem-based learning and case presentations in small breakout groups
  • Option for hybrid training with online lectures to save time
  • Certificate of completion available for each team member

Program structure and sample agenda

CHEST Immersion training is evidence-based and customized to address specific learning objectives. The curriculum is independently developed by leading subject matter experts in collaboration with the CHEST Education team. The program agenda may include, but is not limited to:

  • Diagnostic approaches and disease progression
  • Management considerations and treatment options
  • Patient testimony relating their experiences
  • Recent clinical trials and case study review

Pre- and post-course assessments will determine the impact of the program. A final report detailing the group’s performance, program evaluation, and identification of ongoing training needs will be provided.


A state-of-the-art training facility designed for your needs

Manikin lying in hospital bed with medical equipment
Manikin lying in hospital bed with medical equipment

The ideal setting for hands-on learning

The one-of-a-kind CHEST Innovation, Simulation, and Training Center in Glenview, IL, features six simulation training labs designed to mirror real ICU suites, a wet lab that enhances the robust experience of simulation training, a 3,200 square-foot auditorium for lectures, and group breakout rooms for problem solving and peer exchange.

Two people inserting a syringe into a manikin

Full range of simulation options available

  • Simulation manikins
  • Live patient models
  • Simulated pulmonary function testing laboratory
  • Bronchoscopy simulator
Two people inserting a syringe into a manikin

How can we help your team?